Posts tagged Protests
Take It Down: Marching Against Mississippi's State Flag

by Courtland Wells

Sunday in Jackson, Mississippi, there was an almost 2 mile Take It Down march and rally. The action was protesting the Mississippi state flag, which has a Confederate Battle Flag in the upper left corner.  Protestors carried signs and banners supporting Initiative 55 also known as the Flag for All Mississippians Act, which proposes the removal of the Confederate Battle flag from the Mississippi State flag. The rally was led by Sharon Brown, the woman who organized and got Initiative 55 on the ballot.

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Notes on Baltimore

by Damon Mitchell

The situation in Baltimore isn't an "unjustifiable" riot. It is an uprising against the social order of white supremacy. Exiting the Mayflower and lashing out against Native Americans through rape, torture, murder, culture degradation and destruction is what you could call an unjustifiable riot. An unjustifiable riot would be burning down neighborhoods to celebrate your school's NCAA championship win. It's important for Baltimore officials to understand that you cannot make a suggestion of the riots being "unjustifiable" without also questioning the dysfunctional behavior of the Baltimore Police Department.

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