WHEN: Thursday, February 11, 2016 | 5PM - 7PM
WHERE: Michigan United 4405 Wesson St. Detroit MI, 48210
Environmental Justice & Climate Action Meeting
"Demand Environmental Justice"
We are starting a conversation about climate justice, environmental justice, environmental racism, and the connections between the environment, health, and race in America.
Michigan’s health crisis (Flint's water, Air quality in SW Detroit, Hazardous waste sites in East Detroit, etc.) smacks of the kind of discrimination that causes the disproportionate exposure of black & brown communities to polluted air, water and soil.
It is past time that this country deals with its legacy of shifting the pollution burden to poor and communities of color. It is imperative that environmental justice remains at the forefront of the civil rights movement.
Contact Dortheá E. Thomas for more information (313) 649-5323 or dorthea@miunited.org